Endorsed Candidates

Patti Minter candidate for Mayor of Bowling Green

Patti Minter, Mayor of Bowling Green

I’m Patti Minter and I’m running for Mayor because Bowling Green deserves leaders who lift people up instead of leaving people behind. That’s been my life’s work.

Carlos Bailey, Bowling Green City Commissioner

New Leadership. New Vision. Ready to work for you.

Dana Beasley-Brown candidate for Bowling Green City Commissioner

Dana Beasley-Brown, Bowling Green City Commissioner

“As your City Commissioner, I have kept my promise to be a voice for the citizens of Bowling Green and to make sure everyone has a seat at the table. In these trying times, it will take all of us working together to move forward. I am running for re-election because Bowling Green deserves a responsive and transparent city government that is up to the challenges of this moment.”

Johnalma Barnett candidate for Bowling Green City Commissioner

Johnalma Barnett, Bowling Green City Commissioner

Jennifer Kash candidate for Warren County School Board District 2

Jennifer Kash, Warren County School Board, District 2

Jen is an education professional and community builder. She is passionate about public education for all and believes education lifts up our community. She wants to use her time and talents to support the high quality education of Warren County Public Schools.

William Dakota Compton candidate for Plum Springs City Council

William Dakota Compton, Plum Springs City Council

Kentucky has had a lack of representation for the working class for years. It is time that someone stands up for them, communicates with working families, and listens to what they need to survive and fight for those needs!

Warren County Kentucky Democrats logo

Karen Pennington, Kentucky State Senate, District 9

Sonya Kilgo Corder Warren County KY Democrats

Sonya Kilgo Corder, Warren County Circuit Court Clerk

My background includes 16 years’ experience working at the clerk’s office. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to improving office efficiency, enhancing customer service, promoting a better working environment, and working relationship with other offices and agencies that utilize the clerk’s office.

Cierra Waller warren county ky democrat candidate

Cierra Waller, Bowling Green Independent School District School Board